parish life

Church Consecration Preparation: notice 1

JUST 6 WEEKS AWAY- ПОМІЧ ПОТРІБНA! Volunteer help will be needed from now until Consecration every saturday (or during the week too please call the office). Please block off time in your schedule to help! More details below.

1. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ON CHURCH GROUNDS EVERY SATURDAY - from 1-6 p.m. (then supper and Vespers).  if you can only come in the morning - or only for a couple of hours, that's OK.  Come when you can - there is much to be done. ПОМІЧ ПОТРІБНА - ЩОСУБОТИ від 1 - 6 пополудні (тоді вечеря і вечірня).

2. SINGING PRACTICE AFTER LITURGY- every week - all interested are welcome.  Sparrows Singers, bring your folders.

3. GARDEN GOODS - are now being collected for the preparation of food for the Consecration Day reception.  Cabbage, onions, beets, dill, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots - whatever you have inabundance, we are happy to receive.  Donations can be brought to the parish house or to church on the next few Sundays. Хто має багато городини - капусти, цибулі, буряків, кріпцю, моркви, бараболі - жінки радо приймають до підготовлення прийняття після Освячення Храму.  Пожертви можна принести до парафії або в неділю до церкви.

4. OCTOBER 1/2 WEEKEND WORK. Parish event co-ordinators  will be contacting parishioners for specific help in their area by the end of August. 

5. HOSPITALITY HOMES are needed to house some guests on Consecration Weekend.  If you are able to offer a room, a bed, or even a sofa to one of our special visitors, please call pani Iryna at 905-453-6565. When you receive in your home a stranger, you are welcoming Christ into your home.  Currently we need a place for a priest and his wife, a priest and his wife and three children, four monks, and more!

More information will be posted as it becomes available.