Office Saint Elias May 13, 2023 WEEKLY BULLETIN- SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN Office Saint Elias May 13, 2023 SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN НЕДІЛЯ САМАРЯНИНКИ WELCOME – Hieromonk Theodosy praying with us today Happy Mother's Day! Today we remember our mothers living and reposed FOR YOUR CALENDAR MAY 25 - FEAST OF ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JUNE 4th - PENTECOST 25 ТРАВНЯ - ВОЗНЕСЕННЯ 4 ЧЕРВНЯ - ЗЕЛЕНI СВЯТА VIDEO: PASCHA 2023 at SAINT ELIAS Thank you Markiyan Radomskiy for your work (and keeping the camera rolling during the power outage). CLICK HERE HOLY WEEK + PASCHA 2023 SCRAPBOOK - CLICK HERE ALBUM HAYILKY- SPRING SONGS with Fr. Roman CLICK HERE SUNDAY BULLETIN | БЮЛЕТИН - CLICK HERE FINANCIAL SUPPORT Your generosity is appreciated now more than ever. Thank You for donating your time, talent or treasure and most importantly thank you for staying connected to your parish. on line donations- click here parish website Newer PostWEEKLY BULLETIN- SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MANOlder PostWEEKLY BULLETIN- SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC